Simon Wiesenthal
Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal corresponds with Maurice Frankenhuis requesting information DOKUMENTATIONSZENTRUM BUNDES JODISCHER VERFOLGTER DES NAZIREG?MES10 10 WIEN I, RUDOLFSP LATZ 7/111BAN KVERBINDUNGAILGEMEINE WIRTSCHAFTSBANK WIENKONTO NR. 306/00DRESDNER BANK, FRANKFURTKONTO NR. 18/236100WIEN, den December 19th,1967Telefon 63 90 932, 63 30 302 Mr. M. Frankenhuis221 West 82nd StreetNew York 24, N.Y.U SA Dear Mr. Frankenhuis, I am sure that you are informed about the collaborator of Eichmann, Erich R a j a (Rajakowitsch) whom I described in my book and has now a few proceedings against me.He can afford it as he is a multimillionaire. Raja has been condemned in Vienna to 2 1/2 years of jail for having send a cable…